Business News

Startup Autobahn Korea – Powered by N15 – Make Innovation Real

Mercedes-Benz Korea kicked off its Startup Autoban Korea program and gave international startups to join for the first time! Hosted by…

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VR English Education in Korea

The Future of English Education in Korea – Korean VR Hagwons

English education in Korea is a top priority for most Korean parents. Korea prioritizes learning the English language as there are tens of…

0 Comments18 Minutes

Youth Unemployment Rate in Korea

Why is the Youth Unemployment Rate in Korea so High?

The youth unemployment rate in South Korea currently stands at 10%. South Korea overall lost over 1 million jobs from the same time last…

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Top 5 Tips for Developing Content for Customers in Korea

For marketers in Korea, they understand that marketing to Koreans and people living in Korea is a comprehensive process. In a way, you can…

0 Comments8 Minutes

Why Korean Startups Need to Hire Female Entrepreneurs

Korea has made a lot of progress when it comes to gender equality, however, they still have a long way to go, especially when it comes to…

0 Comments15 Minutes

Korean Entrepreneurs

How to Become a Startup Entrepreneur in Korea

More and more Koreans are want to be an entrepreneur in Korea and start their own Korean Startups. That wasn't always the case. In Korea,…

0 Comments13 Minutes

KUBS Startup Station

Best Entrepreneurial Program in Korea KUBS Startup Station

As more and more students in Korea pursue entrepreneurship, more universities in Korea are creating accelerator and incubator programs to…

0 Comments14 Minutes

Seoul Digital Foundation

Seoul Pavilion at CES by Seoul Digital Foundation

Some of the most innovative Korean startups showcased their solutions at CES 2022 in Las Vegas, the world's largest consumer electronics…

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