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The Aerospace Industry in Korea on a Trajectory for Higher Growth

South Korea has been aggressively building up its space program. The aerospace industry in Korea is now bigger than ever. The aim is to attract global partners and venture into the space economy. South Korea is not alone, 13 other countries have established their own space agency over the past…

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    Ways AI and Big Data can Change the Beauty Industry – LAKELAB

    The global beauty industry is a $530 billion industry and growing fast. It is estimated that it will reach over $800 billion by 2023. The growth is due to the rise in online sales, traditional retailers launching their own brands, and the consumer’s willingness to search and try new brands. Thanks…

    university student graduate big city lights

    The Korean Education System Needs to Focus on Entrepreneurship

    South Korea is famous for educating its youth. However, this fame is not always positive. The Korean Education system is focused a lot on exam results and getting into the best universities in Seoul. This was the history in Korea where the only way to improve your life was through passing exams.…

    Korean Startups

    How Korean Startups Can Keep Their Talent – Best Tips

    The talent shortage is a very real problem. In today's “gig” market, “quitters are winning”. (David Harrison, Eric Morath. July 4, 2018) The Wall Street Journal noted that employees who voluntarily leave their job with the confidence and the right skills can potentially be rewarded with a 30…