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Best Samsung Products at CES 2021

Top 10 Best Samsung Products at CES this Year

Many of Samsung’s top products and services were spotlighted at CES 2023. Samsung showcased its innovative products and solutions, many of which you can buy in 2023. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the world's largest and most influential technology event, where companies showcase their…

Ethereum Blockchain Developer

How to Become a Blockchain Developer in Korea

Becoming a Blockchain developer in Korea is a sure-fire way to make money in Korea. The Korean government has stated time and time again their desire to research Blockchain technologies. Add this to the fact that there are Blockchain projects that spring up every single week in Korea. Investors in…

Tech4Good Summit – France, Korea, and Beyond

The 2nd Edition of the Tech4good Summit will take place on May 10-12th, 2021. The Tech4Good Summit with the theme France, Korea, and Beyond is organized by the French Tech Community Seoul (FTCS and the French-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI). It will be a comprehensive online and…

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    Top 5 Startup Communities in Seoul

    Starting a startup in Seoul can be a tough journey for many entrepreneurs in Korea. Startups in Seoul need to find helpful information in regards to funding, marketing, growth, legal support, and hiring. The good news is that there are still many startup communities in Seoul that offer answers to…

    fintech marketing

    Top Fintech Marketing Hacks in South Korea

    Fintech has undoubtedly become a major power player in the financial industry. It’s allowed consumers to radically change how they view money, including transactions, savings, and investments. While some may believe that fintech’s growth has plateaued, others find that the industry is still at its…

    Top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges in Korea

    Top Korean Cryptocurrency Exchanges – Ranked and Updated

    Korean cryptocurrency exchanges are still going strong despite facing opposition from the Korean government and banks. Korea still remains one of the top cryptocurrency trade exchange markets. South Korea has become a hub for cryptocurrency exchanges over the past few years. When you add in the…