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ARCVERSE by Naver a the Next-Generation Metaverse Ecosysem

ARCVERSE aims to combine big data and services for the virtual space. This space is called the metaverse, a digital world where people can interact with each other. ARCVERSE by Naver are in their early stages of becoming the next-generation Metaverse Ecosystem Platform. It was created by the…

Bitcoin in Korea

Why More and More Koreans are Holding on to Bitcoin

The truth is that most Koreans do not understand Bitcoin mainly because most are not explaining it correctly. This is a good thing. The general explanation of Bitcoin is that it is the future of money, a payment mechanism unlike any other. However, the truth is that Bitcoin is more like a store of…

Ficus SEA Fund – VC Fund for Southeast Asian Startups

A new VC fund for early-stage Southeast Asian startups called Ficus SEA Fund has just been launched. The Southeast Asian tech startup ecosystem holds over 35 startup unicorns and is the eye for many venture capital firms. In the first half of 2021, venture capital investments in Southeast Asia…

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    Korean DeFi Startups

    Korean DeFi Startups are Changing the Finance Industry in Korea

    The finance industry in Korea is getting disrupted due to DeFi (Decentralized Finance). DeFi offers a different experience from traditional banking and opens up a world of possibilities for customers. Those that are driving the movement are Korean DeFi startups using Blockchain technology to cut…

    Korean Mobility AI Startups in Korea

    Top Autonomous Vehicle Startups in Korea – Korean Mobility Startups

    If you are a mobility startup, it is vital to incorporate AI, self-driving, or some kind of autonomous tech into your business. Mobility AI startups in Korea have gotten a lot of attention in 2021 and more and more startups are being formed in this space. However, there are new startups that are…

    Proptech Startups in Korea Digitizing the Real Estate Industry

    Seoul is one of the most developed cities in the world. Thanks to telecommunications companies like SK and KT who have spent over $40 billion setting up key infrastructure for their high-speed 5G networks there are new innovative solutions offered up by Proptech startups in Korea. The South Korean…