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    LITTLEONE delivers Smart Baby Devices for New Parents

    Starting a family and becoming a new parent is a wonderful time, however, it can bring a lot of stress for new parents. With the advancement in technology, new parents are turning to the latest tech to help them in the new chapter of their life. Therefore, many tech startups are aiming to help…

    Video Streaming Services in South Korea

    The Best Video Streaming Services in South Korea

    The digitalization of content is transforming the media and entertainment industry in Korea. Video streaming platforms have been on the rise even before COVID-19, however, the COVID-19 situation has really accelerated this trend. After years of fast growth, the streaming industry in Korea is…


    Mercedes-Benz in Korea Continues to be the Top Imported Vehicle

    Driving a Mercedes-Benz in Korea is seen as one having a high standard of living. The luxury car brand is so popular in Korea that it accounts for over 28% of all imported cars sold in Korea. This makes put them at the top position in the imported vehicle market in Korea, a position they have had…