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Seoul media

The South Korean Media and Newspapers – A Full Breakdown

The South Korean media is very difficult for global companies to break into. South Korean media and newspapers have a bad reputation for being manipulated by the Korean government. Freedom of speech is only partly true in South Korea. Many Koreans feel that many major publications are run by…

Korean Startup Scene in Seoul

A Guide to the Korean Startup Ecosystem

The Korean Startup Ecosystem in 2023 looks bright after the impact of COVID during parts of 2020 and 2022 and much of 2021. t may surprise some that South Korea's economy is now the 4th largest in Asia. They have one of the best wireless infrastructures, yet Korea is still globally not recognized…

How Korean Startups Find Reliable Manufacturers in China

One of the most challenging aspects of entering the Chinese market is finding reliable manufacturers in China. Korean startups have stressed over and over again how difficult it is to find the right partner but also manufacturers they can communicate with. Still, many Korean startups focus on China…

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    Coupang CEO

    How Coupang Continues to Succeed Despite Being Unprofitable

    Many investors, mentors, and advisors in Korea will tell you that sales/profits are everything for a startup. Turning a profit shows that you have succeeded and it is what every business should strive for. Or is it? Most businesses exist to make money, so why is it that some of the biggest…

    Education Inequality in Korea

    Education Inequality in Korea is a Problem that Needs to be Solved

    Having access to better schools, teachers, and private education is a huge advantage for those who can afford it. Education inequality exists all around the world, however, it is extremely problematic in South Korea. The education system in Korea has been criticized for putting too much weight on…

    Shopping Habits in Korea

    Shopping Habits in Korea Changed Due to COVID-19

    When you walk down the streets of Myeongdong, Dongdaemun, Garosugil (Sina-dong), and even inside COEX mall, you will notice that more and more stores are shutting down. Offline stores have been under pressure due to online retailers even before COVID-19. Shopping habits in Korea are changing as…