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VR English Education in Korea

The Future of English Education in Korea – Korean VR Hagwons

English education in Korea is a top priority for most Korean parents. Korea prioritizes learning the English language as there are tens of thousands of English Hagwons (Korean private learning centers) in South Korea. However, most of the English learning centers focus on memorization and not so…

Cashless Society in South Korea

Moving Towards a Cashless Society in South Korea

Somewhere in the not too distant future, you will no longer see the Korean won. It will become something strange your grandparents still hold on to and give you during the Korean holidays. The younger generation will not know what to do with it. During this time cold hard cash will disappear. What…

Drone Delivery in South Korea

The Future of Drone Delivery in South Korea

South Korea has been trying to be at the forefront of innovation and technology. Back in 2016, new regulations were drawn up to allow drones to be used for delivery, performance, and advertising. Some of these regulations included changing the weight limit drones can carry from 12kg to 25kg, as…

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    Why 3D Advertising in Digital Marketing is the Future

    Digital marketing experts estimate that the average consumer sees around 5,000 ads a day. Those that spend over 4 hours per day on their smartphone might see double that. The competition to grab the consumers’ attention is growing by the day. If companies don’t stay updated with the latest digital…


    Klleon Creates the Next-Generation Auto Dubbing Solution KLling

    Dubbing in foreign movies or TV shows has never been great. A perfect example is the Korean hit drama series on Netflix, Squid Game. The lack of continuity between the actor’s mouths and the words spoken took away from the viewing experience for the dubbed version of Squid Game. In addition, they…

    Fitness Startups in Korea on the Rise

    Before COVID, fitness startups in Korea have been revolutionizing the industry. Many are developing innovative new technologies and business models. They were getting a lot of attention from investors in Korea as these startups were making it easier and more affordable than ever for people to get…