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South Korea and Japan Trade War – Complete Breakdown

South Korea and Japan are Asia’s biggest economies after China and India. Both have been able to gain worldwide recognition for their global brands. Korea has become a major player in the electronics industry with Samsung and LG. Japan continues to be strong players in the automotive industry with…

Android App Development

6 Tips to Flawless Android App Development

Android App developers are in hot demand in Korea, which makes sense since Samsung alone holds a 46% market share. However, android app development is not even remotely close to what it was before. There are many different developments that have changed the ball game, especially when it comes to…

Seoul Aims to be one of the World’s Leading Startup Hubs

South Korea is the world’s 12th-largest economy and the fourth-biggest exporting nation. In addition, exports comprised 34 percent of the Korean economy in 2022. Major corporations have benefited from this substantial export increase over the last decade. As a result, the large, predominantly…

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    Squid Game

    Netflix in Korea – Expansion Plans in South Korea

    Netflix in Korea revealed their releases of Korean content for 2022 early this year. They will release more than 25 Korean content making 2022 the most prolific year in terms of producing new Korean shows. So why is Netflix aggressively expanding its Korean content library? What many might have…

    Why Korean Startups Should Not Apply for a Patent in Korea

    Korean startups that have a product will usually get the advance to patent their product. I have been covering the Korean startup scene for over 7 years and I have met many inventors and startup entrepreneurs in Korea who have gone through applying for a patent in Korea. What I learned is that…

    Battery Industry in South Korea

    The Rechargeable Battery Industry in South Korea

    Having a clean energy economy is something many of the top countries are looking into. One of the keys to having a clean energy economy is the production of high-tech batteries. These batteries power electric cars, store solar energy, and wind energy. Currently, China dominates lithium-ion battery…