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Entrepreneurs in Korea

Entrepreneurs in Korea Need These 5 Skills to Survive

For entrepreneurs in Korea, it's vital that you're prepared to stand out in this competitive sphere. It takes a lot of courage to start a startup, especially in Korea where competition is fierce. A lot of young business owners worry whether they have what it takes to make it. Truth be told, though,…


The Korea Basic Income Fair in Gyeonggi-do

UBI is becoming very popular all around the world. Some countries, even cities, give everyone regular monthly payments, with no specific requirements, through a basic income. In Korea, the province of Gyeonggi-do held a special event to educate people in Korea about the concept of Universal Basic…

Secondary EV Batteries

Innovative Solutions for Secondary EV Batteries

It is becoming increasingly clear that eclectic vehicles (EVs) are the future. They offer low emissions, noise, and more space for better designs. A lot of the credit goes to the lithium-ion battery that powers these EVs. However, most lithium-ion batteries only last around 6-8 years. Then they are…

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    Architecture Pangyo Tech Valley

    The Pros and Cons for working at Pangyo Techno Valley

    The Korean government has spent a lot of money trying to make Pangyo Techno Valley into Seoul’s top tech cluster. There is even an express subway line to Pangyo from Gangnam that takes around 20 minutes. The area was created in 2012 and is now home to major gaming companies like Nexon and NCsoft,…


    Robotics Startup RoboPrint Introduces Artbot for Painting Exterior Walls

    Korean robotics company RoboPrint started off as a one-man company that specialized in banner printing in Daegu. It is now one of the top companies in Korea for painting the exterior of walls on apartment buildings. When you visit Korea, you will notice that apartment buildings dominate most areas.…

    Podium Star

    Podium Star helps Korean Startups master their Pitching skills

    If the thought of public speaking gives you sweaty hands and wobbly legs, you're not alone. Stage fright is not an uncommon thing amongst many entrepreneurs, especially entrepreneurs in Korea. Whether it is in front of a crowd or only a handful of business partners - strong presentation and…