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Why 3D Advertising in Digital Marketing is the Future

Digital marketing experts estimate that the average consumer sees around 5,000 ads a day. Those that spend over 4 hours per day on their smartphone might see double that. The competition to grab the consumers’ attention is growing by the day. If companies don’t stay updated with the latest digital…

Startups Offering Travel and Tour Packages in Korea

When planning a trip to South Korea, there are a few factors to consider. First and foremost, travelers must decide what kind of experience they want. Are they looking for a traditional cultural experience? Or are they interested in exploring the country's natural beauty? Once that decision is…

Google SEO Search Ranking

The Power of Google SEO for Startups in Korea – Best Tips

Startups in Korea tend to focus mainly on Naver SEO/SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and not so much on Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This is understandable since most are marketing to the Korean consumer who overwhelming use Naver. However, no one outside of Korea uses Naver. The majority…

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    MixCare Health

    MixCare Health – A Health and Wellness Platform for Enterprises

    Healthcare is one of the most fundamental human rights, yet people in many parts of Asia are not getting the most effective healthcare from their providers. One important factor contributing to this disparity is the lack of democratization and digitization in healthcare systems. Digital…


    Quickwork Helps Enterprises Build Automated Workflows

    There is no doubt that modern enterprises are facing a significant challenge when connecting different applications and systems to automate workflows and processes. On the one hand, enterprises need to ensure that their solutions are flexible, easy-to-use, and accessible for all employees. On the…

    10 Creative Online Classes on Class101 – English Site

    Class101 is a Korean educational startup that offers online courses where you can learn a wide variety of things. From drawing, cooking, photography, and crafts to business skills for your career, it offers a wide range of kinds. If you are looking for a new hobby or want to develop skills that can…